I continue this month with a lot of vegetables!
today I prepared a recipe that I love because my Granma prepared for me many many times!
It is one of my comfort food.
The Artichokes Soup, reach of vegetable and scented and so tasty!
It is an ancient roman recipes that usual we prepare in Italy during the spring time.

Here are the ingredients and the steps. You can find the video recipe in my Instagram page (my profile - highlights) or in my YouTube channel.
Peas (fresh or frozen)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Clean the Artichokes taking off the leaves and cleaning very well the heart of the artichokes
Leave the heart of Artichokes in a bowl with water and piece of Lemon for 10 minutes
In a frying pan place the chopped Onion and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and fry for few minutes until it become golden
Add the Peas and the Artichokes Heart, the Water (to cover it), the Salt and the chopped Parsley. Cook for 20 minutes, covering with a lid.
Buon Appetito
So Far So Cook