I love fish in everyway!
Today I prepared a simple recipe you can prepare in few steps, healthy, easy, fresh, tasty.
It is Branzino, but you can use also cod or another kind of fish, and Rapini, or spinach or the vegetables you prefer.

Here are the ingredients and the steps. You can find the video recipe in my Instagram page (my profile - highlights) or in my YouTube channel.
Branzino Fillet
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Prepare the Rapini - Take just the leaves of Rapini and place them in a pan, cooking for 5 minutes. Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic and Salt and cook for 5 minutes.
Spread on top of the Branzino fillet, Salt and Herbs and Roll it
Place the Branzino rolled in a baking pan on top of a Lemon slice
Add on top Extra Virgin Olive Oil and bake 385F for 15 mintues
In a tray Place Rapini using the Round Cookie Cutter and pressing a little bit.
Add on top the Lemon SLice with the Branzino roll
Spread on top the roasted Breadcrumbs
Buon Appetito
So Far So Cook
Fish lovers, rejoice! This simple Branzino Roll with Rapini recipe brings freshness and elegance to your plate. For quick inspiration, Find Your Favorite Meal on the McDonald's Menu and explore their delicious options to enjoy!