I prepared this appetizer for Easter Lunch but it is fine in any case when you prepare a buffet for a party.
It is easy to prepare using Puff Pastry and in few steps you will have a delicious snack!
Here are the ingredients and the steps. You can find the video recipe in my Instagram page (my profile - highlights) or in my YouTube channel.
Puff Pastry
Cream Cheese
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Olives
Green Olives
Roll Out the Puff Pastry and spread on top Cream Cheese and close it.
Cut little slices and with this slices cover a cherry tomatoes, or a black olives or a green olives, like a little bunny
Place it in a baking pan and spread on top scrambled eggs
Bake 350F for 20 minutes
Buon Appetito!
So Far So Cook